Gain actionable insights to support your business withperformance monitoringpattern identificationoptimising operationsforecastingrisk managementresource allocationtrend Identificationincreased control

Business Intelligence Developers

At Panthos, we specialise in developing custom business intelligence, analytics and data management software solutions that meet your unique business needs. Our team of experts can help you better understand your data and provide tailored solutions that provide valuable insights into your business operations. Contact us today to learn more about our custom BI software solutions and how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

Our Process - App Development

What is Business Intelligence (BI)

Businesses generate and collect overwhelming amounts of data to the point it becomes difficult to properly utilise. This is where business intelligence software shines. Categorised under the broader category of data management software, business intelligence tools analyse and find trends among massive business databases, across different operations and departments. They provide you with invaluable insights on customer behaviour, market trends and operations.

Your Data Could be Providing

KPI DashboardsUser friendly visualisationsBetter Customer Insights


Make the Most of Machine Learning for Quick, Accurate Data Analytics Services

User Friendly Visualisation

Our BI dashboards incorporate charts, graphs, maps, and other visualisations to present complex data in an understandable and actionable format, enhancing data comprehension and facilitating faster decision-making.

KPI Dashboards

Monitor business performance in real-time and track progress towards goals. Our custom dashboards provide analytic insights you can use to optimise your businesses operations, increasing productivity and profitability.

Better Customer Insights

Gain a deeper understanding of your clients and customers with behaviour, demographics, preferences, and feedback. Our software helps you optimise marketing strategies, find problems and niches among your target market, improve your services, and enhance customer retention.

Your Data Could be Providing

KPI DashboardsUser friendly visualisationsBetter Customer Insights

Next steps

Make strategic business moves with improved decision making capabilities ...

We use machine learning to automate your data analysis processes, developing learning analytics as a service (AaaS) solutions to handle trend detection, anomaly detection, and pattern recognition. Our goal is to reduce the manual effort required on your part and accelerate the generation of insights, allowing you to focus on interpreting results and taking action. Click here to learn more about our machine learning, and AI solutions.

Predictive Analytics

Our customised analytics software can incorporate predictive modelling techniques to forecast future trends and outcomes based on historical data. These predictive analytics help your business anticipate market changes, identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and optimise resource allocation.

Efficient Resource Allocation

Our machine learning solutions can optimise your resource allocation by identifying areas of inefficiency, resource bottlenecks, and opportunities for improvement, whether it's allocating marketing budgets, optimising inventory levels, or managing staff and workloads.

Personalised Insights

Thanks to machine learning, our dashboards can tailor insights and recommendations to individual users based on their roles, and past interactions with the BI system. This allows everyone in your business to make the most of your databases, promotes alignment across departments and gives your key staff the business intelligence tools they need to collaborate and make beneficial decisions.

Financial Analysis

After consolidating financial data from multiple sources, our machine learning algorithms work to generate financial reports, budgeting and forecasting. This enables your CFOs and finance teams to make informed decisions, manage risks, and drive profitability.

Panthos Labs services

Why Opt for a Custom Software Solution?

Every business’s operations and goals are unique. At Panthos, we believe the most practical and transformative business data management solutions are customised to meet your brand’s specific needs and challenges. Far from a one-size fits all approach, our expert team can swiftly develop solutions at varying levels of complexity and user-friendliness. Our business intelligence tools give you control over your data, while providing the analytic insights you need to make improvements across all your departments.